
Star Collector
Clan Treasure Chest

Clearing levels earns you stars. When all the stars earned by Clanmates reach a certain number, the Treasure Chest is upgraded. The higher the tier, the more rewards it contains. When the event is over, you will get the rewards from the final tier of the Treasure Chest. All members of the Clan will get the same rewards.

Clan Tournament

Clearing levels earns you stars. Ranking is determined in the order of stars collected by the clan members through level clears. Different rewards are awarded based on the event group's tier. Rewards are divided by the number of clan members.

Burger Pang

Special rewards become available based on the cumulative number of cleared levels. When the day passes before claiming the reward, the rewards will be forfeited.


You can also get bait by playing levels. Collect bait and Use the collected bait to enjoy fishing. The weight of the caught fish is your score and Ranking is determined by the total weight caught. If the scores are tied, the first player to reach that score will be ranked higher.

Last updated